What to Expect in the Course

Copywriting for Online Fundraising | Certification Course

When it comes to copywriting, nonprofits and for-profits alike struggle with all the same challenges – regardless of vertical or size. Although the outputs look different from organization to organization, there is a universal set of copywriting principles and techniques that can help you connect with your donors in a more relevant way.

During this course, special guest instructor Amy Harrison will draw on her vast copywriting experience and expertise in order to teach you time-tested and proven techniques that you can use each time you sit down to write.

Plus, she’ll demonstrate how these principles apply across different online fundraising mediums including:

  • Email copy
  • Subject lines
  • Donation pages and landing pages
  • Headlines

All in all, this course will help you become a better copywriter – leveraging proven techniques that will help you create a more meaningful connection with your donors that can lead to more conversions, more donations, and more revenue for your organization.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction

    • Additional Resources for This Course

  • 2

    What You Need to Know Before You Write

    • What is Copywriting?

    • Quick Review

    • Why is Copywriting Important Today?

    • Quick Review

    • How to Feel Confident Asking for Donations

    • Quick Review

    • A Word of Warning Before You Write...

    • Quick Review

    • Session Review

  • 3

    Know Who You Want to Reach

    • What is a Copywriting Profile and Why Do You Need One?

    • Quick Review

    • Do You Need More Than One Copywriting Profile?

    • Quick Review

    • Who is Your Donor? (Demographics)

    • Quick Review

    • What Does Your Donor Want?

    • Quick Review

    • What's the Problem? (And Why is it Bigger Than They Think?)

    • Quick Review

    • Using Symptoms to Get Your Donor's Attention

    • Quick Review

    • Using a "Donor Monologue" to Write Personal Copy

    • Quick Review

    • Session Review

  • 4

    How to Get Your Reader's Attention

    • Communicate Quickly and Clearly

    • Quick Review

    • Avoid Writing "Invisible Copy"

    • Quick Review

    • Using an Impact Table to Communicate Value

    • Quick Review

    • Communicate Value With Contrast

    • Quick Review

    • Communicate Value With Butterfly Moments

    • Quick Review

    • Writing Taster Copy for Downloads, Events, EBooks, and More...

    • Quick Review

    • Session Review

  • 5

    Techniques to Make Your Copy More Compelling

    • It's Always About Your Donor

    • Quick Review

    • How to use Curiosity

    • Quick Review

    • Writing Clear and Compelling Calls-to-Action

    • Quick Review

    • Using Urgency

    • Quick Review

    • Session Review

  • 6

    Putting It All Together

    • Messaging for Repeat Donations

    • Quick Review

    • Writing Email Copy

    • Quick Review

    • Writing Headlines

    • Quick Review

    • Writing Email Subject Lines

    • Quick Review

    • Writing Landing Page Copy

    • Quick Review

    • Session Review

  • 7

    Final Exam

    • Exam

Learn Proven Techniques to Improve Your Copywriting Today!

Get certified copywriting for online fundraising and be equipped with the essential techniques and principles to write better copy for your emails, donation pages, and more when you enroll in Copywriting for Online Fundraising.