What to Expect in the Course

Google Analytics 4 for Nonprofits | Certification Course

One of the most common problems that nonprofit fundraisers – and marketers in general – face is that they don't know what channels are actually leading to positive results. 

Now, the tools to get this critical data and insight into your fundraising performance have never been more readily available than they are today. The challenge is making sure your analytics are set up properly, and that you know where to look to get the answers you need to grow.

Chris Mercer, a Google Analytics wizard and founder of MeasurementMarketing.io, is going to help you solve this problem. During this course, he's going to:

  • Help you make sure Google Analytics 4 is set up to track your online fundraising and marketing properly
  • Give you a framework for how to view your data and find answers to your questions
  • Teach you to navigate Google Analytics 4 and utilize reports that are most relevant to you as a nonprofit fundraiser and marketer.

Plus, this course is split out into mini sessions. If you need to go back to get a refresher on a particular report or idea, you can find it with ease.

Review the course syllabus below to see exactly what you can expect in this certification course on Google Analytics 4 for Nonprofits.

Course Syllabus

  • 1

    Welcome to "The Basics of Google Analytics 4"(4 min)

    • Using Google Analytics to Improve Your Fundraising and Marketing

    • Welcome to GA4 for Beginners

  • 2

    The Foundations of GA4 (1 hour)

    • Foundation of GA4

    • Why GA4 and Why Not Universal?

    • The Superstorm and How GA4 Helps

    • Your Measurement Tech Stack & How GA4 Fits

    • Measurement Strategy and How GA4 Fits

    • How GA4 Data is Structured

    • The Google Analytics Demo Account

    • Recap/Quiz - The Foundations of GA4

  • 3

    The GA4 Tour (40 min)

    • GA4 Tour

    • The General Layout of GA4

    • The Home Workspace

    • The Reports Workspace

    • The Explore Workspace

    • The Advertising Workspace

    • The Admin Workspace

    • Recap/Quiz - The GA4 Tour

  • 4

    How to Set Up Google Analytics 4 (1hr 45min)

    • How to Set Up GA4

    • Creating Your Account

    • Creating Your Property

    • Creating Your Data Stream

    • Configuring Your GA4 Account - Account Settings

    • Configuring Your GA4 Account - Account Access Management

    • Configuring Your GA4 Account - Other Settings

    • Configuring Your GA4 Property - Property Settings

    • Configuring Your GA4 Property - Property Access Management

    • Configuring Your GA4 Property - Events

    • Configuring Your GA4 Property - Conversions

    • Configuring Your GA4 Property - Audiences

    • Configuring Your GA4 Property - Custom Definitions

    • Configuring Your GA4 Property - Data Settings

    • Configuring Your GA4 Property - Reporting Identity

    • Configuring Your GA4 Property - Attribution Settings

    • Configuring Your GA4 Property - Product Linking

    • Configuring Your GA4 Property - Other Settings

    • Configuring Your GA4 Data Stream - Product Linking

    • Configuring Your GA4 Data Stream - Modifying Events

    • Configuring Your GA4 Data Stream - Creating Events

    • Configuring Your GA4 Data Stream - Basic Tag Settings

    • Configuring Your GA4 Data Stream - Other Tag Settings

    • Recap/Quiz - How to Set Up Google Analytics 4

  • 5

    Working With Events in GA4 (1hr 10min)

    • Working With Events in Google Analytics 4

    • Types of Events in GA4

    • Real World Examples of Events in GA4

    • Sending Events to GA4 (Using the Google Tag)

    • Sending Events to GA4 (Using Google Tag Manager)

    • Testing Events in GA4

    • Creating Events in GA4

    • Modifying Events in GA4

    • Recap/Quiz - Working With Events in GA4

  • 6

    Measuring Ecommerce in GA4 (25 min)

    • Measuring Ecommerce in GA4

    • The Basics of Ecommerce in GA4

    • Measuring Purchase Events

    • Measuring Other Ecommerce Events

    • Recap/Quiz - Measuring Ecommerce

  • 7

    Applying Measurement Strategy to GA4 (1 hour)

    • Applying Measurement Strategy to Google Analytics 4

    • Planning Tips

    • Building Tips

    • Launching TIps

    • Recap/Quiz - Applying Measurement Strategy to GA4

  • 8

    Using Reports in Google Analytics 4 (1 hour)

    • Using Reports in GA4

    • Finding Trends & Patterns

    • Answering "Where are my users coming from?"

    • Answering "What actions are my users taking?"

    • Answering "What results am I getting?"

    • Answering "Who are my users?"

    • Customizing Reports for Easier Answers

    • Using the Library

    • Recap/Quiz - Using the Reports Workspace

  • 9

    Using Explorations in Google Analytics 4 (40 minutes)

    • Using Explorations in GA4

    • Types of Explorations in GA4

    • How Explorations Work

    • Building Funnel Explorations

    • Using Funnel Explorations

    • Building Free Form Explorations

    • Using Free Form Explorations

    • Building Path Explorations

    • Using Path Explorations

    • Recap/Quiz - Using the Explore Workspace

  • 10

    Using the Advertising Workspace: Overview (20 minutes)

    • Using the Advertising Workspace

    • The Advertising Snapshot

    • Measuring Advertising Performance

    • Working with Attribution in GA4

    • Recap/Quiz - Using the Advertising Workspace

  • 11

    Your GA4 Journey Continues... (7 minutes)

    • Your Google Analytics Journey Continues

    • Helpful Resources

  • 12

    Certification Exam

    • Google Analytics 4 for Nonprofits - Exam

Learn to Use Google Analytics 4 to Grow Your Nonprofit Fundraising and Marketing!

Get access to the course to earn your Google Analytics 4 for Nonprofits certificate, and learn how to find new insights that can lead to major growth in your marketing performance and fundraising revenue.