What to Expect in the Course

New Donor Welcome Series | Certification Course

Dear fundraiser,

Every nonprofit wants to retain their donors. 

But the truth is that most nonprofits retention rates are stuck around 40-45%.

This New Donor Welcome Series uses everything we’ve learned from our original resarch ... along with thousands of fundraising A/B tests to teach you a refreshingly simple but effective strategy for significantly improving donor retention.

We call it the New Donor Welcome Series.

And it's all about boosting retention and LTV by building a better relationship with your donors.

You'll learn exactly how to plan and automate this retention-boosting tactic. 

--> In-depth instructions

--> Detailed breakdowns

--> Proven frameworks

--> Real-world examples

--> Metric-based proof

With our comprehensive course on building a new donor welcome series that creates a lasting bond with your donors.

You'll learn how to plan it, how to build it, and how to automate it correctly.

This course breaks down a proven methodology for crafting humanized emails that resonate with potential donors. 

All the strategies in the course are focused on key outcomes including: 

  • Increasing new donations 
  • Boosting your email fundraising revenue
  • Creating meaningful relationships that lead to lasting donors

You’ll get tested and proven tactics to better connect with their donors and unleash greater giving.

Course Syllabus

  • 1

    Introduction to the New Donor Welcome Series

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 1 - Introduction to New Donor Welcome Series

    • Let's Review...

  • 2

    A Proven Framework

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 2 – A Proven Framework

    • Let's Review...

  • 3

    Building the Emails

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 3 – Building the Emails

    • Session 3.2 - Other Things to Note

    • Let's Review...

  • 4

    Data, Automation, Segmentation, & Suppression

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 4 - Data, Automation, Segmentation, & Suppression

    • Let's Review...

  • 5

    Wrap Up

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 5 - Wrap Up & Review

    • Exam

Get Access to the Course Now

Begin seeing real growth in your online fundraising when you build better onboarding communications for your donors by signing up for the New Donor Welcome Series course.