What to Expect in the Course

Online Donor Acquisition | Certification Course

In the absence of a proven formula to fix donor retention, acquiring new donors has become the primary strategy to fill in the gaps and continue to grow revenue.

And the biggest opportunity for new donor acquisition is in online giving.

Only 60% of your multi-year donors are going to give to you again this year. And your online donor retention may be as low as 36%.

The goal of this Online Donor Acquisition course is to equip you with a proven model to acquire new donors using online channels.

The 6-session course will cover every aspect of the donor acquisition model including:

  • Using content to generate interest and lead to donations
  • Outlining your next content offer through a series of hands-on activities
  • Optimizing each key digital asset in the model using testing and optimization
  • Developing a plan for leveraging your owned traffic sources as a means of donor acquisition
  • Developing a plan for using paid advertising to send traffic to your content offer

During the course, you’ll discover tested and proven tactics that innovative nonprofits are using every day to acquire more donors online.

Course Syllabus

  • 1

    Introduction to Online Donor Acquisition

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 1.1 - Introduction to Online Donor Acquistion

    • Session 1.2 - The 4-Step Acquisition Model

    • Session 1.3 - Foot-in-the-Door Technique

    • Session 1.4 - The Donor Mountain

    • Session 1.5 - Activating the Downstream Revenue

    • Session 1.6 - Key Principles Review

    • Let's Review...

  • 2

    The Value Proposition Essentials

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 2.1 - Value Proposition Essentials

    • Session 2.2 - What is a Value Proposition?

    • Session 2.3 - 4 Elements of an Effective Value Proposition

    • Session 2.4 - Evaluating a Value Proposition

    • Session 2.5 - Implementing Your Value Proposition

    • Let's Review...

    • Additional Resources

  • 3

    Creating a Content Offer

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 3.1 - Creating a Content Offer

    • Session 3.2 - Who is Your Ideal Donor?

    • Session 3.3 - What Makes an Offer Effective?

    • Session 3.4 - Crafting an eBook from Existing Content

    • Let's Review...

    • Additional Resources

  • 4

    Implementing Your Email Acquisition Page

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 4.1 - Implementing Your Email Acquisition Page

    • Session 4.2 – Communicating Your Main Message

    • Session 4.3 – Designing Your Landing Page

    • Session 4.4 – Choosing the Right Form Fields

    • Session 4.5 – Adding Supporting Content on Your Page

    • Let's Review...

    • Additional Resources

  • 5

    Implementing Your Instant Donation Page

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 5.1 – Implementing Your Instant Donation Page

    • Session 5.2 – Confirmations & Introductory Message

    • Session 5.3 – Main Message & Donation Ask

    • Session 5.4 – Gift Arrays/Donation Selection

    • Session 5.5 – Form Fields

    • Session 5.6 – Security & Credibility Reinforcement

    • Let's Review...

    • Additional Resources

  • 6

    Getting People to See Your Offer, Part 1

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 6.1 - Getting People to See Your Offer

    • Session 6.2 - Reaching Your Existing Email Subscribers

    • Session 6.3 - Reaching Your Existing Web Traffic

    • Session 6.4 - A Few Tips on the Google Ads Grant

    • Let's Review...

  • 7

    Getting People to See Your Offer, Part 2

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 6.5 - Reaching New Donors on Facebook

    • Session 6.6 - Facebook Ad Targeting

    • Session 6.6b - Facebook Audience Builder Walkthrough

    • Session 6.7 - Effective Facebook Ad Creative

    • Session 6.7b - Facebook Ads Manager Walkthrough

    • Session 6.8 - Measuring Your Facebook Ad Success

    • Session 6.9 - Optimizing Your Facebook Ad Performance

    • Let's Review...

  • 8

    Wrap Up

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 7.1 - Key Principles & Course Wrap-Up

    • Final Exam

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Begin seeing real growth in your online donor acquisition when you implement this proven model by signing up for Online Donor Acquisition.