What to Expect in the Course

Turning Facebook Likes Into Donors | Certification Course

One of the greatest challenges of online fundraising is acquiring new donors. Even if you can target and identify your ideal audience well, very few “donate now” ads seem to produce significant results.

But over the past several years, we’ve tested and proven a new methodology for acquiring donors online using Facebook. And at the core, it relies on content marketing.

During this workshop, we’ll explore why traditional “donate now” advertising methods rarely work, and we’ll rely on research, testing, and case studies to equip you with a 4-step strategy to acquire new donors and revenue using Facebook.

Course Syllabus

  • 1


    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 1 - Introduction (1)

    • Let's Review...

  • 2

    The Underlying Secret

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 2 - The Underlying Secret

    • Let's Review...

  • 3

    Creating a Compelling Offer

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 3 - Creating a Compelling Offer

    • Let's Review...

    • Additional Resources

  • 4

    Creating an Email Acquisition Landing Page

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 4 - Creating an Email Acquisition Landing Page, Part 1

    • Session 4 - Creating an Email Acquisition Landing Page, Part 2

    • Let's Review...

    • Additional Resources

  • 5

    Creating a Landing Page on Limited Resources

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 4b - Creating a Landing Page With Limited Resources

    • Additional Resources

  • 6

    Creating an Instant Donation Page

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 5 - Creating an Instant Donation Page, Part 1

    • Session 5 - Creating an Instant Donation Page, Part 2

    • Let's Review...

    • Additional Resources

  • 7

    Creating a Facebook Ad

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 6 - Creating a Facebook Ad

    • Let's Review...

    • Additional Resources

  • 8

    Targeting a Facebook Ad

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 7 - Targeting a Facebook Ad

    • Additional Resources

  • 9

    Launching a Facebook Ad Campaign

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 8 - Launching a Facebook Ad Campaign

    • Let's Review...

    • Additional Resources

  • 10

    Activating Downstream Value

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 9 - Activating Downstream Value

  • 11

    Articulating Campaign Results

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 10 - Articulating Campaign Results

    • Additional Resources

  • 12

    Determining What to Change First

    • What to Expect in This Lesson

    • Session 11 - Determining What to Change First

    • Additional Resources

  • 13

    Final Exam

    • Exam

Start Acquiring New Donors Using Facebook Today!

Earn your donor acquisition certification and start acquiring new donors online using Facebook by purchasing the Turning Facebook Likes Into Donors course.